Now in its fourth year, Beach Run proudly introduced the inaugural Jogja Beach Run 2017 event to locals and international fans around the world. This highly anticipated event took place on 31 July 2017 on Parangtritis Beach taking runners on an exhilarating experience on one of Indonesia’s breathtaking and almost untouched coasts consisting of landscapes, sandbanks and even a pine forest that are unique to this part of Java island. Similar to Bali Beach Run, Jogja Beach Run is Indonesia’s rst and largest an- nual beach run event to be based in Jogjakarta, taking runners through 10km, 5km and 2.5km routes.
Almost 1,000 participants from all over the world participated including America, UK, Europe, Africa, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Singa- pore and of course, Indonesia. The run was a smashing success and everyone went home with a medal while the top 3 winners of each category took home medals and cash prizes.